56th Annual Central States VHF Society Conference

Cedar Rapids 2024

 CSVHF Color 1000addingspacing


Central States VHF Society

2024 Conference 

Cedar Rapids, IA

July 25-28, 2024


The Proceedings are the printer. This year, in color! If you can't attend but want a Proceedings, go to the Proceedings tab and learn how to register for just dues and a mailed out proceedings.



Thursday evening Pool Party at hotel
Luncheon, Dinner Banquets, evening Hospitality Suites
Technical and non-technical VHF+ presentations
Posterboard presentations
Rover Row and Dish Bowl
Noise Figure measurement

VHF+ equipment swapfest
Antenna range
VHF+ related Vendors
Family oriented activities
CSVHFS Board Meeting
CSVHFS Business Meeting

Conference Inquiries can be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Where is Cedar Rapids?  See "Travel Directions" under the Lodging and Travel tab above.

Hotel Room Reservations are now open!

Use the Lodging menu in the top bar above to reserve your room


Explore the menu tabs above to see what's in the works!