
 Social Hour with Cash Bar begins at 6 pm in the Waterfall Terrace.  At 7 pm, dinner will be served in the Ballroom.

 All banquet meals are $50.00 each.  You will have a distinctive (color) meal ticket which you must place by your plate to assist the servers.

 All meals include a salad, roasted red potatoes, roasted broccoli, and milk, coffee, or tea. Dessert is chocolate or carrot cake.

Your entree choices are:

Herb-Crusted Chicken with Parmesan Cream Sauce

Sliced Pork Loin with Brandy Apple Mustard Cream

Butternut Squash Ravioli


We can accommodate special dietary needs if you just communicate your needs to the host team in the weeks leading up to the event.  When you register, select ANY meal and then contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will work with you and the hotel to get a meal that will satisfy you.


1800 Cash Bar
1900 – Welcome  - Bill Caldwell, N0LNO
Presentation of VHF Sprint Plaque Winners  Kent O'Dell KA2KQM 
Presentation of States Above 50 MHz Program Plaques - Bruce Richardson W9FZ
Presentation of the Wilson & Chambers Awards - Kent Britain WA5VJB
Sights Along the Way or Snorkel and Bounce  - Lance Collister W7GJ and Karen Orzech
Invitation to the 2025 CSVHFS Conference  - 
Prize Drawing
2100 - Close of the 2024 Conference (carry on in Hospitality Suite)


Speaking of prizes:  Recall that we have "Family Prizes" and "Ham Prizes".  If you are attending the banquet, please consider bringing either a ham or family prize (or even both).  With abundant prizes, it makes for a fun end to the banquet.  Take a look at the hand-embroidered pieces that will be on the family prize table--beautiful work!
